carpet cleaning production rates pricing

Cleaning Service Pricing and Production Rate Worksheet

Commercial Carpet Cleaning Production Rates

This is a sample carpet cleaning production rate and pricing worksheet. This example can be used for commercial carpet cleaning, tile and grout cleaning and upholstery. Pretty much any commercial specialty cleaning account. Below is a free download.

Blank Worksheet

commercial carpet cleaning production rate worksheet

Explanation – sqr foot and production rates of each areas to be cleaned

In this section we are listing all the areas to be cleaned and applying the correct production rate for that area.

  • Note smaller jobs its not worth to break up, just use your experience and apply to the whole job

  • The production rates are an example, use your own based on real life experience in your situation

carpet cleaning pricing worksheet by square foot

In this section we calculate how many hours this job will take based on the carpet cleaning production rate per square feet

commercial carpet cleaning pricing sqr foot

In this section we add time for variables that might add cost to a job by 1.1, 1.2, 1.3

Basically 10%, 20%, 30%

*Note this is relative to your specific situation, some cleaners don’t care if a job is at 11pm or 11am. You can skip this if it doesn’t apply to you

cleaning service production worksheet

In this section we apply our hourly rate

*Note use your own numbers

carpet cleaning hourly rate

In this section we calculate how much the price will be annual based on the frequency options

*Note use your own options these are just examples

In this section we apply any frequency discounts, the % discount should be right under the frequency. 2x year = 5%

  • NOTE some cleaners do not give discounts for frequency, skip this section if it does not apply to your business

Commercial Carpet Cleaning Bidding Calculator

This is a separate free online calculator Commercial Carpet and Tile Cleaning Price Calculator

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