How Commercial Cleaning Services Can Use SWOT For Business

How Commercial Cleaning Services Can Use SWOT For Business

How Cleaning Services Can Use SWOT Analysis To Solve Business Problems

The SWOT analysis is an extremely useful tool for commercial cleaning and janitorial services.

What happens is cleaning services think, well this is for large companies. But once you start to go through some of these questions you realize we are always asking these type of questions in our mind. The point is to start writing them down!

This tool helps in understanding and decision-making for all sorts of situations in cleaning businesses. SWOT is an acronym for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.

The SWOT analysis headings provide a good framework for reviewing strategy, position and direction of a company or business proposition, or any idea. Completing a SWOT analysis is very simple. Use SWOT analysis for business planning, strategic planning, competitor evaluation, marketing, business and product development and research reports.

A SWOT analysis is a subjective assessment of data which is organized by the SWOT format into a logical order that helps understanding, presentation, discussion and decision-making. The four dimensions are a useful extension of a basic two heading list of pro’s and con’s.

SWOT analysis can be used for all sorts of decision-making, and the SWOT template enables proactive thinking, rather than relying on habitual or instinctive reactions.

Table of Contents

commercial cleaning swot analysis

SWOT Analysis Template

The SWOT analysis template is normally presented as a grid, comprising four sections, one for each of the SWOT headings: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. The SWOT template below includes sample questions, whose answers are inserted into the relevant section of the SWOT grid. The questions are examples, or discussion points, and obviously can be altered depending on the subject of the SWOT analysis.

 Note that many of the SWOT questions are also talking points for other headings – use them as you find most helpful, and make up your own to suit the issue being analysed. It is important to clearly identify the subject of a SWOT analysis, because a SWOT analysis is a perspective of one thing, be it a company, a product, a proposition, and idea, a method, or option, etc.

Here are some examples of what a SWOT analysis can be used to assess:

  • a company (its position in the market, commercial viability, etc)
  • a method of sales
  • a product or brand
  • a business idea
  • a strategic option, such as entering a new market or launching a new product
  • a potential partnership
  • use a new tool
  • outsourcing a service, activity or resource
  • an investment opportunity
janitorial swot analysis


Be sure to describe the subject for the SWOT analysis clearly so that people, who are contributing to the analysis, and those seeing the finished SWOT analysis, properly understand the purpose of the SWOT assessment and implications

  • Advantages of proposition?
  • Capabilities?
  • Competitive advantages?
  • USP’s (unique selling points)?
  • Resources, Assets, People?
  • Experience, knowledge, data?
  • Financial reserves, likely returns?
  • Marketing – reach, distribution, awareness?
  • Innovative?
  • Location and geographical?
  • Price, value, quality?
  • Accreditations, qualifications, certifications?
  • Processes, systems, IT, communications?
cleaning service strength swot


  • Disadvantages of proposition?
  • Gaps in capabilities?
  • Lack of competitive strength?
  • Reputation, presence and reach?
  • Financials?
  • Own known vulnerabilities?
  • Timescales, deadlines and pressures?
  • Cash flow, start-up cash-drain?
  • Effects on core activities, distraction?
  • Reliability of data, plan predictability?
  • Morale, commitment, leadership?
  • Accreditations, etc?
  • Processes and systems, etc?
  • Management cover, succession?

Business Opportunities

  • Market developments?
  • Competitors’ vulnerabilities?
  • Industry or lifestyle trends?
  • Technology development and innovation?
  • Niche target markets?
  • New USP’s?
  • Tactics – surprise, major contracts, etc?
  • Business and service development?
  • Information and research?
  • Partnerships, agencies, distribution?
  • Volumes, production, economies?
  • Seasonal, weather, fashion influences?
commercial cleaning service opportunity swot analysis


  • Environmental effects?
  • IT developments?
  • Competitor intentions – various?
  • Market demand?
  • New technologies, services, ideas?
  • Vital contracts and partners?
  • Sustaining internal capabilities?
  • Obstacles faced?
  • Insurmountable weaknesses?
  • Loss of key staff?
  • Sustainable financial backing?
  • Economy – home, nation?
  • Seasonality, weather effects?

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