Website Content: Applying the Pyramid Principle for Cleaning Services

Optimizing Cleaning Service Websites: Elevating Engagement with the Pyramid Principle

In the competitive landscape of cleaning services, effective communication through website content is pivotal for attracting and retaining customers. The Pyramid Principle, developed by Barbara Minto, provides a structured approach to presenting information.

This blog explores how cleaning services can apply the Pyramid Principle, highlighting crucial aspects from understanding to application with good and bad examples.


Understanding the Pyramid Principle:


The Pyramid Principle structures information hierarchically, placing the main point at the top. For cleaning services, this means conveying crucial aspects prominently.

  1. Main Point or Conclusion:

    • Good Example: “Comprehensive Commercial Cleaning Solutions Tailored to Your Business Needs” – prominently visible on the homepage.
    • Bad Example: Burying service details, making it challenging for visitors to grasp offerings.
  2. Supporting Ideas:

    • Good Example: “Exceptional Cleaning with Eco-Friendly Practices for a Healthier Environment” – a distinct UVP highlighted on the homepage.
    • Bad Example: Failing to communicate a unique value proposition.
  3. Details and Evidence:

    • Good Example: Primary CTA, such as “Get a Free Quote,” prominently positioned on the homepage.
    • Bad Example: Burying the CTA, resulting in missed conversion opportunities.




commercial cleaning marketing plan

Applying the Pyramid Principle to Website Content:

  1. Creating Engaging Headlines and Subheadings:

    • Good Example: Engaging headlines and subheadings, using concise language to convey key messages.
    • Bad Example: Lack of clear headlines, hindering visitors’ ability to quickly understand services.
  2. Prioritizing Key Information:

    • Good Example: Vital information prominently displayed on the homepage.
    • Bad Example: Essential details buried deep within the website, frustrating users.
  3. Utilizing Visual Elements Effectively:

Resources for Implementing the Pyramid Principle:

  1. The Pyramid Principle” by Barbara Minto:

    • Foundational book introducing the Pyramid Principle.
  2. “Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die” by Chip Heath and Dan Heath:

    • Explores creating memorable messages aligned with the Pyramid Principle.
  3. “Everybody Writes: Your Go-To Guide to Creating Ridiculously Good Content” by Ann Handley:

    • Practical advice on crafting compelling content, emphasizing clarity.



Mastering the Pyramid Principle for website content enhances a cleaning service’s online presence. By prioritizing clarity, emphasizing key messages, and providing supporting details, cleaning services can create impactful websites that resonate with their audience.