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Marketing A Certified Commercial Cleaning Business

Should Cleaning Services Become Certified

This blog is on marketing a commercial cleaning business as a certified firm. This question comes up all the time in social media “is it worth it to become a certified firm?” Some of the industry certification organizations are ISSA for commercial cleaning, IICRC carpet cleaning and restoration, ICRA same. The challenge is informing prospects and leads what the benefit is to them.

Simply placing a logo on your marketing material or website is not going to be good enough. Have to provide evidence or tell a story explaining why it benefits them.

The average homeowner in carpet cleaning or facility manager for commercial cleaning accounts has never heard of these organizations so there is little benefit from a branding standpoint. This is up to us the cleaner to explain how training and education helps their bottom line or improves service levels.

Market Commercial Cleaning As Certified Firm

The starting point for me is a website, our website is like a central location to place information we then can distribute to leads, prospects and customers. Some ways to send out this information is email, facebook, facebook boost, linkedin, direct mail regardless of through letters or postcards. In this example we used Safety, the message is part of being a certified firm we put a high priority on safety and this benefits you by lower prices, happy customers and healthy employees.

A great way to start is creating a page on your website with the logo and giving a general overview of the organization and what training/education you have committed to over the years. After that we need to create blogs we can market on some kind of rotation, 1x month, quarterly etc. The trick here is trying to tie in the blog subject with benefiting the customer. Some subjects can be safety, technical theory on different flooring materials, what family of cleaning products to use on what materials, etc.

Now that we have a blog set up we need to start on marketing plan . In the video we show some examples of an email template, facebook post and facebook boosting. The key with any form of marketing is creating a consistent routine, if you can commit to 1x month great, if only quarterly is doable that’s fine also over the long term. The point is to constantly be promoting this message we are a certified commercial cleaning business and this benefits you because ….

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