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Sample Commercial Cleaning Landing Page

This is a quick blog on putting together a commercial cleaning landing page or janitorial service page. As part of our sales platform, we include landing pages and even host them for free. We have open templates and a dozen specific templates for commercial cleaning and commercial carpet cleaning with the content filled in for you.

What is the purpose of a landing page? Many reasons, one is when prospects fill in the form information is automatically populated into the CRM and automated routines can begin. These can be in the form of emails, reminders to follow up phone calls, links to your blog and e-newsletters to name a couple.

Another benefit with a template its easy to test different marketing strategies quickly and easily. For example, this landing page is focused on employee turnover which is a hot topic for commercial clients but I would suggest making 2-3 different themes and testing which converts the best. Other themes might be green cleaning or industry-specific page focused on medical buildings. Here is an example of one for property managers >>>>>>>

Content- in this example we focused on employee turnover, this is the headline “Looking for a commercial cleaning company that doesn’t have endless turnover?”. In the background, you can see a picture with an office manager looking frustrated. Underneath the headline, we want to then support the statement with evidence or back up the question being asked.

In support of the headline, we focused on what actions we take to lessen employee turnover and provide a better customer experience. Starting with recruiting, training, inspections and ending with the corporate culture. Its important in marketing or sales that after we make a statement to show people how we get there, a roadmap if you will. Another way to think of it is high school algebra, you can’t just provide the answer but have to show the teacher how you came up with the answer, the formula.

Following the theme about employees, the next section is spent on our management team introducing themselves. I have found it very effective to include personal pictures and notes, introductions. The first is the president followed by an office manager and operation manager, these are the main managers in a commercial cleaning service. The last is saved as a testimonial from a current customer.

Now, this doesn’t have to be exact, you could also flip it and include testimonials from customers and then an intro from the company president last. Most commercial cleaners don’t like to share customer information publicly. Visit here to see examples of how to use testimonial templates >>>>>

Last section of this landing page we are showing the process. First, fill out the form and request a walk-thru, then we submit a proposal and after being awarded the contract the team identifies clients specific needs. On the right is a great place to have a company promotional video or even an introduction from the management team.

Where do I advertise? Now we have a creative completed the next question is where do we put it. Some examples are facebook, linkedin, adwords, email and on the company website.

This is a great sample landing page for the commercial cleaning industry and any janitorial service. As with any marketing, the key is creating a control and then testing different themes to find the highest converting.

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