How To Sell Carpet Cleaning Services To Property Managers
Selling carpet cleaning services to property managers can be challenging, especially in the commercial market. With so many properties to clean, property managers need reliable, affordable, and efficient cleaning services that can cater to their specific needs.
In this article, we will discuss some tips on how to sell carpet cleaning services to property managers.
Now the term property manager can change depending on what services you provide.
Most commercial cleaners think of PM’s as commercial landlords of office parks and multi-tenant buildings.
Residential often think of apartments, condos.
Specialize in Carpet Cleaning
One of the most important things to do when reaching out to property managers is to show that you specialize in their industry.
It’s crucial to understand their specific needs, problems, and payment terms. The headline of your email or pitch should let them know that you specialize in commercial carpet cleaning or tile for multi-tenant commercial properties. This will help prospects feel more comfortable knowing that you understand their needs and can provide a tailored solution.
Soft Selling Approach
When introducing your company, take a soft selling approach. The purpose of your outreach is to help property managers, not to make a hard sales pitch.
A good way to start is by adding a photo of yourself or your office manager to your pitch, followed by a soft introduction. Let them know that you are there to help and introduce your company without trying to push a sale.
Cold Outreach
In the next paragraph, go into the reason for your email. Point out specific issues that are common in commercial properties, such as coffee spills or worn out areas near restrooms.
This will prove that you understand their needs and have experience cleaning similar properties. However, don’t jump straight to asking for an estimate. Instead, connect with them and learn more about their situation.
Avoid making assumptions or acting like you know their problems and solutions better than they do.
Call To Take Action
In your email or pitch, create a call to action that encourages property managers to connect with you.
Use the word “connect” because it’s a vague term that can mean different things to different people. You can suggest connecting on LinkedIn, for example, or setting up a phone call or meeting to discuss their needs further.
Another call to action could be to plant the seed for a carpet cleaning proposal.
For instance, suggest that 97% of customers recommend adding spot cleaning with every service and provide a link to a page that explains the benefits of this program. The goal here is to sell them on the idea of a routine cleaning schedule that can help keep the property clean throughout the year without breaking the bank.
Selling carpet cleaning services to property managers requires a tailored approach that takes into account their specific needs, problems, and budget.
By specializing in the industry, taking a soft selling approach, and providing valuable solutions, you can build a relationship with property managers that can lead to long-term business.
Remember to create clear and concise calls to action that encourage them to connect with you and learn more about the services you offer. With the right strategy and approach, you can stand out from the competition and win more business in the commercial carpet cleaning market.