Ultimate 100 Advertising Headlines For Cleaning Services

Ultimate 100 Advertising Headlines For Cleaning Services

100 Best Cleaning Service Ad Headlines

Below is the ultimate list of 100 advertising headlines for commercial cleaning services to use. We service janitorial services, carpet cleaning, floor care, commercial cleaning specialty services and you may need to change the topic or wording slightly for your specific niche.

These headlines can be use for email subject lines, brochures, adwords, social media ads, cold calling scripts and any way you communicate with clients or potential accounts.

The key is finding descriptive words to use like ultimate, comprehensive, introducing, announcing, etc.

1.            Looking for a carpet cleaner for your office

2.            Does your workplace carpet need a deep cleaning

3.            We specialize in commercial carpet cleaning

4.            Frequent carpet spills at your business?

5.            Tired of looking at stains in your office carpet?

6.            Does the carpet in your office need a freshening up?

7.            We took a worn looking carpet at a Doctors office and gave new life.

8.            We give new life to carpets in office buildings, doctor office, retail

9.            Why does the carpet in my office look so dingy?

10.          How come coffee spills keep coming back in our office carpet?

11.          Is there a company that specializes in Commercial Carpet Cleaning?

12.          Looking for a carpet cleaner that specializes in Office buildings?

13.          Looking for a carpet cleaner that specializes in medical buildings?

14.          How good is our Commercial carpet cleaning service?

15.          How To: keep your office carpets looking better, longer.

16.          How To: remove drink spills from your office carpet

17.          The ultimate quick fix for removing drink spills from office carpet

18.          Ultimate quick fix for your office carpeting!

19.          Imagine if everyone in your office was raving about how clean the office was

20.          Its That Time Again!

21.          They laughed when I said we could remove that 10 year old coffee spill

22.          Remember how you felt last time your office carpets were cleaned

sample ad headlines commercial cleaning service

23.          Hire a terrific carpet cleaner for your office building!

24.          My office doesn’t have clean carpets

25.          Do you really need staff to work in a clean office?

26.          Do you want your co-workers to thank you in the morning?

27.          The SECRET is out, we love to clean carpets in office buildings!

28.          Do you really need to Spruce up your office?

29.          What all your co-workers are talking about




30.          Our Carpet cleaning service will blow your mind away

31.          If you want to win employee of the year, see this!!

32.          Are you making plans for keeping your office cleaner?

33.          8 out of 10 people prefer to work in a clean office setting

34.          How good is the carpet cleaner in your office?

35.          Businesses call us to solve carpet cleaning problems!

36.          Top 5 reasons to clean carpets in your office

37.          Top 5 reasons to keep your office carpet clean

38.          Hear the latest office gossip?  Pssst they are hiring (company) to clean the carpets

39.          WhooHoo we now have clean carpets in our office!

40.          Looking to boost office morale?

41.          For people who are not quite happy with the condition of office carpeting

43.          7 out of 10 people love to work in a clean office setting

cleaning service ad template

44.          Gain attention with clients and get consistency from employees with a clean office

45.          Gain attention from clients and be in control of your cleaning program

46.          Introducing an amazing way to keep your office clean

47.          Introducing an amazing way to increase productivity from employees with a clean office

48.          Announcing an innovative way to increase your office’s cleaning program

49.          Announcing an innovative way to increase the value of your commercial property

50.          Announcing an amazing way to increase the value of your business through cleaning

51.          How to break through the noise to find the right cleaning business

52.          How to break through the barrier to more consistent cleaning results

53.          What is the best way to improve the cleaning of your building

54.          See our top 10 survey from facility managers, how to improve cleanliness of your restrooms

55.          See our breakthrough survey from over 1000 facility managers and find out the best way to keep your restrooms clean

56.          Learn the essential questions to ask a potential cleaning vendor

57.          Turn a little bit of your cleaning budget into big results for your office

58.          Discouraged with the lack of communication from your cleaning staff

59.         Discouraged with the lack of progress from your cleaning program


commercial cleaning ad examples

60.          This is a pretty awesome testimonial from one of our cleaning clients

71          Introducing the 5 tips to get more out of your cleaning budget

72          Introducing the single best tactic to improving cleanliness in your office

73          Introducing an amazing new service to saving money in your cleaning budget

74          3 Essential questions to ask a potential cleaning vendor

75          5 Essential things to check on your cleaning staff

76          Single most important question to ask for when a cleaning business submits a quote

77.         Get more predictability from your cleaning program

78.         Are you getting enough predictability from your cleaning staff

79.         Checklist to use when you are not receiving enough predictability from your cleaners

80.         Does your office have new cleaning challenges

81.         New challenges in offices require new cleaning techniques

82.         Does your building maintenance budget have new challenges

83.         New challenges equal new solutions

84.         Is safety an important to the success of your facility maintenance

85.         5 Essential safety measures your cleaning staff should be doing

86.         Keep your employees safe with this simple and inexpensive cleaning tactic

87.         Order the cleaning services you need when you need them

88.         Is finding a cleaning business becoming a hassle

89.         3 Cleaning services that will give your office the right balance of cleanliness/ budget





90.         How to balance your cleaning budget and keep employees happy, safe

91.         2 Pieces of cleaning equipment every office should have

92.         Restore comfort to your office with a clean and organized cleaning service

93.         Create comfort at your office for your employees    

94.         Learn to love coming into a freshly cleaned office again

95.         Love your office but hate the cleanliness

96.     See how we create a fun working environment for our cleaning staff

97.     Included with every cleaning service is a dedicated project manager

98.     Included in every cleaning program  …….

99.     Has the cleanliness of your office lost its consistency

100.   Get more consistency from your cleaning program

Sample Commercial Cleaning Advertising Headline

This is a Sample social media ad where cleaning services can use metaphors for advertising. Often general managers, office, facility managers and building owners feel like its a balancing act when choosing a commercial cleaning service. This is what feeling we are trying to tap into with this social media ad.

This can apply to cleaning services, janitorial service and specialty like carpet & tile cleaning. They are not just focused on hiring a cleaning service but are also hiring dozens of other vendors and mainly trying to focus on their clients.

I like metaphors for commercial cleaning prospects and basically a metaphor in advertising is we don’t literally mean it. We are trying to get a point across, we are trying to tap into how someone feels.

Is finding the right cleaning service becoming a balancing act?

The starting point in social media is with the headline and image, we want to tap into that feeling a manager might have as quickly as possible with the image and headline. This is what draws them in the first place to learn more.

Most professional general managers, facility, office managers and building owners feel like it’s a balancing act keeping all of their vendors on track, on top of all the other tasks they do. If you have a conversation with most, they will say this is exactly how they feel or like they are juggling a bunch of balls in the air at the same time.

Remember they want to focus on their clients first, just like us and maintaining their building is not the highest priority.


In this section we introduce ourselves personally, our business and what services we provide. They need to know right away if they even need this service and if they ever heard of you before.

Mission Statement

Here we come up with a mission statement, slogan, message, company value proposition. In simple terms, something that would apply to every business or service you provide. This is a broad, vague statement sharing what you value and believe in, in general.

Friendly service, most referred, most reviews, communication, green, largest, been in business since 1902, etc. These type of broad messages.


Third paragraph/sentence we are going to plug in something specific. This can be 50 different things and you can change it for different prospects.

In our example we are going to plug in safety, this is a hot topic right now and good time to layer it in after introducing ourselves, plugging in our main company value.

Main Topics To Cover

For this sample social media ad we used a checklist format, mainly because its quick and simple to read. Here we want to plug in some main topics prospects often ask about.

  • Meet the team
  • Hiring
  • Training
  • Supervision/ Inspection
  • Safety
  • Services

These are all the main questions prospects and leads want to know about a commercial cleaning service. Whether they always ask them doesn’t matter, they are in their head for sure.

Rotating Social Media Ads

I am a big proponent of rotating ads, this is what I would consider a general ad, this gives managers and owners an overview of your company. I would want to run something like this 1 week out of every 4 weeks and then cover specific topics the rest.

Call To Action

Last but not least is the call to action. We went with a long one of “ YES, send me more information about your services”. Hopefully this encapsulates how they feel in this exact moment.

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