Navigating Commercial Cleaning Walk-Thrus: Effective Questioning

Navigating Commercial Cleaning Walk-Thrus: Effective Questioning

Art of Questioning in Commercial Cleaning Walk Thrus

Welcome to the MethodCleanBiz Marketing Mastery Series, where the ever-evolving realm of professional selling skills takes center stage. In the fiercely competitive business landscape, the transition from selling as a luxury to an absolute necessity is more evident than ever.

The journey to mastering the art of selling isn’t left to chance; instead, it follows a deliberate and systematic process accompanied by a versatile skill set adaptable to a myriad of scenarios.

As we explore into the 7th installment of this series, our focus turns to the crucial aspect of commercial cleaning walk thrus and the art of asking effective questions.

Understanding Question Types:

Open Questions:

Open questions are the foundation of a productive conversation. They encourage customers to provide detailed and expansive answers, offering valuable insights. Questions beginning with “what, why, where, when, and how” fall into the open category. Careful use of ‘why’ is advised, as it can evoke defensiveness if not used sensitively.

Example: “Tell me about your current cleaning requirements.”

Probing Questions:

Probing questions dive deeper into the customer’s responses, seeking specific details and clarifications. These questions help unravel the client’s expectations and provide a clear understanding of their needs.

Example: “Could you elaborate on your preferences for environmentally friendly cleaning products?”



Closed Questions:

Closed questions limit responses to ‘Yes’ or ‘No,’ and are useful for clarifications or obtaining agreements. They often start with phrases like ‘Will you,’ ‘Can you,’ or ‘Do you.’

Example: “Can we schedule the cleaning service for Mondays?”

Summary Questions:

 Summary questions allow you to reiterate what you understand from the customer’s responses. It ensures clarity and confirms that you are aligned with their requirements.

Example: “So, if I understand correctly, you need daily cleaning for the office space and a deep clean every month?”

Reflective Questions:

Reflective questions involve restating a word or phrase the customer used, encouraging them to provide more information. It’s a powerful and simple technique to keep the conversation flowing.

Example: Customer: “This is the last holiday we will be taking for a while.” Staff member: “Last holiday?”

Asking Questions Effectively:


Avoid long and multiple questions. Keep them short and clear to prevent confusion. Use ‘why’ sparingly, as it may be perceived as a challenge. Opt for alternative open questions.


Be cautious of aggressive, challenging, or disbelieving/accusatory tones. Maintain a neutral and respectful tone.


Be mindful of the tone at the end of your sentences. A rising tone implies a question, a steady tone implies a statement, and a falling tone implies a command.


Infuse energy into your communication to demonstrate interest and build rapport. Adjust your energy level appropriately for each customer.


Avoid an interrogation-style approach with too many questions too quickly. Ensure questions are relevant and linked to the customer’s responses.


Positive Example:

“I appreciate your detailed response. Now, moving on to the next point, could you share more about your preferred cleaning schedule?”


Ask for permission to explore specific areas, demonstrating respect for the customer’s boundaries.

Example: “Can I ask you about the cleaning challenges you’ve faced in the past? This will help us tailor our services to your unique needs.”


Let Them Know You Are Listening:


Verbal Cues:

Use verbal cues like “uh, uh” to convey active listening. Ask for clarification on technical issues. Personalize interactions by using the customer’s name. Summarize key points before proceeding to the next topic.



Conclusion: Mastering the art of questioning during commercial cleaning walk thrus is paramount for understanding client requirements and delivering tailored proposals.

By incorporating open, probing, closed, summary, and reflective questions, cleaning service professionals can enhance customer interactions and provide solutions aligned with client needs. Remember, effective questioning is a skill that, when honed, contributes significantly to the success of commercial cleaning businesses.

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