Understanding Implicit Biases in Commercial Cleaning Website Design

Understanding Implicit Biases in Commercial Cleaning Website Design

Website Design for Commercial Cleaning Services: Navigating Implicit Biases in Imagery

In the digital age, website design plays a pivotal role in shaping the perceptions and experiences of users. For commercial cleaning and janitorial service websites, it’s not just about presenting a clean and professional image; it’s also about marketing.

In this blog, we’ll explore the subtle yet significant issue of implicit biases in website imagery and provide actionable tips to create a more inclusive online presence for your commercial cleaning business.

The key here is not just matching images to who we are but also thinking about who the buyers. A good thing to do is research the demographics of who you are  trying to reach. 

Often what happens is we insert pictures of what we look like or our staff without thinking about what the buyers look like. 

Best case is to complete an audit and rotate images, creating a mix representing the company and the persona’s of the buyers. See implicit bias works both ways, from us and from the prospects. 



Diverse group of professionals working collaboratively on laptops, symbolizing inclusive website design practices

The Impact of Implicit Biases on User Perception

In the competitive landscape of commercial cleaning, first impressions matter. Explore how implicit biases in website imagery can influence user perceptions and potentially hinder your business.

Have to remember, prospects are making split second decisions in the digital world and most of these decisions are sub-subconscious. 


Section 1: Understanding Implicit Biases in Images

In the realm of website design, implicit biases can subtly influence the way audiences perceive a business. These biases may be ingrained in images, affecting how users view the commercial cleaning and janitorial services company. Recognizing these biases is the first step towards your online presence.


Unpacking Stereotypes in Commercial Cleaning Imagery

Delve into the common stereotypes associated with commercial cleaning and janitorial services. Understanding these stereotypes is crucial for identifying and addressing biases in website visuals.


Section 2: Identifying Common Biases in Commercial Cleaning Imagery

Commercial cleaning and janitorial services are often stereotyped, leading to biased portrayals in website imagery. Common stereotypes might include gender-specific roles, limited ethnic diversity, or unrealistic depictions of tasks. It’s crucial to identify and address these biases to ensure your website accurately represents the diversity within the company and the prospects themselves. 



The Role of  Imagery in User Engagement

Examine how incorporating inclusive imagery can positively impact user engagement on your commercial cleaning website. A diverse representation can enhance the overall user experience.

Section 3: Tips for Inclusive Image Selection

Creating an inclusive website starts with mindful image selection. Representing a variety of genders, ethnicities, and ages in your visuals is key. Opt for authentic, unfiltered photos that genuinely reflect the people and tasks in your industry. Be conscious of the settings portrayed in your images, avoiding stereotypical depictions that may reinforce biases.

Navigating Implicit Biases in Environmental Depictions

Explore the significance of portraying diverse environments and contexts in your imagery. This step is essential to avoiding biases and creating a more comprehensive representation of commercial cleaning and janitorial services.

Section 4: Conducting Image Audits

Regularly auditing your website’s imagery is essential to maintaining inclusivity. Develop a checklist covering factors such as gender balance, ethnic diversity, and the roles depicted in your images. This ongoing process ensures that your website remains a true reflection of the diversity within the commercial cleaning and janitorial services sector.



Website displayed on various devices, highlighting responsive design for optimal user experience

Strategies for Periodic Image Audits

Dive into practical strategies for conducting effective and periodic image audits on your commercial cleaning website. Ensure that your visuals align with your company and clients.

Section 5: Collaborating with Diverse Talent

Taking inclusivity a step further involves collaborating with diverse talent in the creation of your website content. Engage photographers, models, or content creators from various backgrounds to provide authentic perspectives. This not only enhances the inclusivity of your visuals but also brings fresh and diverse voices to the forefront.



Case Study: Image Audit Commercial Cleaning Website Imagery

Client Overview:

Client: SparkleClean Commercial Services
Industry: Commercial Cleaning and Janitorial Services
Challenge: Lack of Diversity in Website Imagery


SparkleClean Commercial Services, a distinguished provider of commercial cleaning solutions, reached out to our website design agency with a concern regarding the representation of diversity on their website. The existing site predominantly featured images showcasing one ethnic group, potentially acting as a barrier to inclusivity and limiting its appeal to a broader audience.


  1. Diversity Enhancement: Address the lack of diversity in website imagery to better represent the inclusive nature of SparkleClean’s workforce.

  2. Image Audit: Conduct a comprehensive image audit to identify and replace biased visuals with more inclusive ones.

  3. Demographic Study: Analyze the demographics of prospects and clients to ensure accurate representation on the website.


1. Image Audit:

Our initial step involved performing a thorough audit of the existing website imagery. We assessed the representation of gender, ethnicity, and roles within the commercial cleaning context, aiming to identify instances where implicit biases might be present and ensure a fair and diverse depiction of the workforce.

2. Demographic Study:

To authentically reflect the diversity within SparkleClean’s client base, we collaborated with the marketing team to gather demographic data on prospects and clients. This information included gender, ethnicity, and other relevant factors. The goal was to align the website imagery with the actual demographics of the company’s audience, ensuring authenticity and relatability.

3. Diversity Enhancement Strategy:

Upon completing the image audit and demographic study, we formulated a strategy to enhance diversity in both visual content and the representation of the client base on the website.

  • Inclusive Image Selection: We curated a collection of authentic, diverse images showcasing employees from various ethnic backgrounds, genders, and roles within the commercial cleaning sector. These images aimed to break stereotypes and promote inclusivity.

  • Client Demographic Portraits: Collaborating closely with the marketing team, we incorporated diverse client personas into the visual narrative, ensuring that the website resonated with the varied backgrounds of SparkleClean’s clientele.

4. Implementation:

With the new images in hand, we seamlessly integrated them into the website, strategically replacing outdated visuals. We also updated the client testimonial section to showcase the diversity of SparkleClean’s clientele, accurately reflecting the demographics of prospects and clients.


The implementation of enhanced imagery and the accurate representation of the client base resulted in significant positive outcomes:

  1. Increased Sales: The website now resonates with their  audience, in harmony with the demographic they sell to. 

  2. Improved User Engagement: Users responded positively to the authentic representation, leading to increased engagement and longer time spent on the website.

  3. Positive Brand Perception: SparkleClean’s commitment to diversity in both visual content and client representation is now a key element of their brand identity. This positively influences how they are perceived by prospects, clients, and the community.


By addressing the lack of diversity in website imagery and accurately representing the demographics of prospects and clients, SparkleClean Commercial Services achieved a more inclusive and authentic online presence. This case study underscores the impact of thoughtful image audits and the importance of aligning online representation with the true diversity of a company’s audience.