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How To Hire Commercial Cleaning & Janitorial Employees Using Your Website

Where To Find Commercial Cleaning Employees

This is a quick blog on using your website as a recruiting tool to hire commercial cleaning, janitorial and carpet cleaning employees. Doesn’t really matter who you are looking to hire but where you distribute the link might.

This is a great example of why using the wordpress platform is so great for building websites. I love wordpress because all of the 1000’s of apps and plug ins we can use without having to hire a website designer or seo expert. Most of us carpet cleaning contractors, janitorial whatever your specialty can build a page like this pretty easily.


This is an example of a webpage we created for a part time commercial carpet cleaning technician position we had open. I would create a separate page for each position separately and maybe even create a sidebar over on the left listing all the job opportunities.



The first paragraph is a quick introduction, more creative in nature trying to draw a reader in if possible. Under the introduction we can write a company biography that might include a general feel for the business with how many years we have been in business, specialties we focus on, values we represent or even a mission statement if you are ambitious.

A job description to let the potential applicant know what this opportunity is consists of. I like to list the basics right away of pay, hours and any requirements. For commercial carpet cleaning we need Saturday morning for example, its mandatory so this is a great time to let the applicant know right off the bat.

Job Description

Depending on the position you can write a couple paragraphs about the position in detail. Lastly list any education, driving record, technical training, certifications required to apply.

Some higher end positions might need some specific technical certifications or verified training. For entry level this might be more basic about physical limitations or any medical problems that might not be a good fit for this industry.

Don’t forget to include an employee handbook

Collecting Resumes

After creating the page we can build a call to action linking to an area where an applicant can either upload a resume or fill out an online job application.

In this example we set up two different ways to apply. A visitor can upload a resume and fill out basic information including name, phone number, email. This plug in sends the resume to a gmail account I have set up. We also gave the option of clicking on a link to fill out a live online job application.

Online News Media

Newspapers, I like online newspapers because most are affiliated with a national job site like monster or career builder. Sounds dated but online papers still receive tons of website traffic, young people still go there to look up sports, apartments, homes, current events, etc.

A good place to start is google job sites or job listings and see what the potential applicant sees, might need to do some testing to find the right place for your specific market.

Search Marketing

Google Searches-Also do some google searches for FREE job listing sites, this tends to be market specific but you might be able to find a couple of free or inexpensive listings in your market to drive traffic.

In conclusion I look at recruiting similar to marketing, its partly a numbers game. Using your website to hire carpet cleaners, cleaners and technicians can be a great and inexpensive way to drive traffic to your position and draw interest.


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