How To Manage Your Cleaning Staff? 7 Ways

How To Manage Your Cleaning Staff? 7 Ways

Effective Employee Management Strategies for Communication

Effective communication is the cornerstone of any successful business. In the cleaning service industry, where teamwork and attention to detail are paramount, clear and constructive communication between business owners, managers, and employees is essential.

This article explores strategies that cleaning service business owners and managers can use to communicate more effectively with their employees.

For a more comprehensive understanding of staff training in the cleaning industry, check out the Ultimate Janitorial and Commercial Cleaning Training Manual, which provides in-depth insights on improving employee skills and communication.


Understanding the Importance of Effective Communication

Effective communication ensures that all team members understand their roles and responsibilities, leading to improved job performance and customer satisfaction. It also fosters a positive work environment, where employees feel valued and heard.

For additional guidance, refer to our Sample Commercial Cleaning Employee Handbook, which offers helpful templates to enhance workplace structure and communication clarity.


1. Framing Communication Constructively

One of the most effective ways to communicate with employees is to frame feedback constructively. Instead of finding fault or placing blame, pose questions that encourage collaboration and improvement. For example:

  • Instead of: “You didn’t follow the procedure correctly.”
  • Try: “How can we communicate this procedure more clearly to ensure everyone understands it?”


2. Active Listening

Active listening involves fully concentrating on what the employee is saying, understanding their message, responding thoughtfully, and remembering the conversation. This technique not only helps in accurately receiving the message but also makes employees feel valued and understood.

Tips for Active Listening:

  • Maintain eye contact.
  • Use nods and verbal affirmations like “I see” and “Go on.”
  • Summarize or paraphrase what the employee has said to ensure understanding.


3. Using Positive Language

Positive language can significantly impact the way employees receive and act on communication. Words and phrases that are encouraging and supportive foster a positive work environment.

Examples of Positive Language:

  • “We can improve our performance by…”
  • “I appreciate your effort on…”

By applying these strategies, you can foster a healthier, more productive work environment that benefits both your team and your clients.


Constructive Communication Scorecard

Constructive Communication Scorecard

Situation Traditional Approach Constructive Communication
Issue with Timeliness "You were late to the job site again." "What can we do to help ensure everyone arrives on time?"
Quality of Work "The floors were not cleaned properly." "How can we improve our floor cleaning techniques to meet our quality standards?"
Missed Tasks "You forgot to clean the bathrooms." "What can we do to ensure all areas, including the bathrooms, are not overlooked?"
Customer Complaint "The customer complained about your work." "How can we better address customer concerns and ensure their satisfaction?"
Safety Protocols "You didn't follow the safety procedures." "How can we make sure everyone understands and follows our safety protocols consistently?"

4. Regular and Clear Communication

Keeping employees regularly informed about company news, changes, and expectations through meetings, emails, or newsletters helps prevent misunderstandings and ensures everyone is on the same page.

  • Best Practices:
    • Schedule regular team meetings.
    • Send out a weekly or monthly newsletter.
    • Use clear and simple language.

5. Providing Constructive Feedback

Constructive feedback should focus on specific behaviors and outcomes, not personal attributes. It should be aimed at helping employees improve and succeed.

  • The “Sandwich” Technique:
    • Start with positive feedback.
    • Address the area for improvement.
    • End with positive reinforcement or encouragement.

6. Encouraging Two-Way Communication

Effective communication is not just about giving information but also about receiving it. Encouraging employees to share their thoughts and feedback can lead to valuable insights and improvements.

  • Methods to Encourage Feedback:
    • Regular one-on-one meetings.
    • Anonymous suggestion boxes.
    • Employee surveys.


7. Building Rapport and Trust

Building rapport with employees helps create a supportive and trusting work environment. Showing genuine interest in employees’ well-being and recognizing their contributions can go a long way.

Ways to Build Rapport:

  • Take time to know your employees personally.
  • Celebrate their achievements and milestones.
  • Show empathy and understanding.

To better understand how to structure your management approach, refer to our Sample Management Structure of a Commercial Cleaning Service.



Effective communication is vital in the cleaning service industry.

By framing feedback constructively, actively listening, using positive language, maintaining regular communication, providing constructive feedback, encouraging two-way communication, and building rapport, cleaning service business owners and managers can create a positive and productive workplace.

For additional tips on keeping your staff motivated, check out How to Effectively Motivate Your Cleaning Staff.

Implementing these strategies will not only enhance employee performance but also improve overall customer satisfaction.



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